Remote Monitoring Solution
FATEK provides a fast, convenient and highly competitive solution for remote monitoring of a wide range of equipment.
There is no need to change the system architecture and upgrade current equipment. As long as the FATEK remote monitoring solution is introduced, even various controllers and sensors of different brands and without network functions can be remotely accessed and monitored through Browser and App.
In addition to accessing and monitoring many devices and sensors at a glance, FATEK also provides remote maintenance functions, which can remotely update device projects and firmware. Through FATEK remote monitoring solution, no matter how complex the control requirements can be modified easily and quickly, making there no time difference between production process and the market demand.
FATEK Remote Monitoring Solution:
- Simultaneously monitor the data of various devices and sensors scattered everywhere-even brands of devices without network capability
- Multiple alarm conditions can be set, and SMS alerts, E-Mail or App notifications will be sent to users when the alarm is triggered to grasp the real-time status.
- While monitoring the data, you can also set up data log task and securely store the data in the cloud space. The logged data can be exported and read at any time without missing any key information.
- The logged data can be drawn into a trend chart, which allows you to analyze and compare the differences with the past trends while monitoring.
- Through Browser, you can monitor or modify the target device’s data without software installation and settings – greatly improving mobility and convenience.
- Easily perform remote software maintenance and system update.
- Device location can be displayed on Google Maps making devices management easier.